What is witchcraft today may become science tomorrow
What is science today may become witchcraft tomorrow
What does that tell us?
1. Just because something is not proven through science does not make it less valuable fodder for our thinking processes
2. Just because something is proven through science does not mean that it will […]
If you spent some time visiting several Fortune 500 web sites, how many of those do you think would clearly state their purpose and value to humanity? How many would have people in their brand somewhere? How many would talk about the passion they have for making the world a better place and how their […]
At the Enterprise 2.0 Future Exploration…..
One fundamental change will be in the day to day way in which people in the company work.
Euan Semple a former leader in BBC on knowledge management spoke of the difficulty to counter some of the arguments against leveraging the social networking and collaboration tools like wikis, […]
What is the role of the science fiction writer in our future?
….my view is that science fiction writers imagine the future – which the scientists and business people then go and make happen – sometimes it takes a long time – but I don’t think that they ‘predict the future’ as […]
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