Bilingual fun….
Neuroscience is coming up with some fascinating pointers to what goes on when one speaks more than one language.
I have been puzzled by what happens to me when I type and out comes a word in a different language or a word I use a lot.
The research, a combination of neuroscience […]
Does IM bring a whole new dimension to our relationship formation?
I have had some fascinating experiences with IM. It, as a medium of communication, carries a sharing and caring opportunity that most other communication means do not have. IM caters for listening, even if at times you cross talk. IM caters for venting. IM […]
Word for future human related foresight
Over many years I have struggled with the words human, user, people, consumer as the category of foresight I am passionate about. I have used consumer foresight as I have practised within organisations, who eventually would like to see someone buying what they produce. It troubles me though. The […]
Brain and the wonders of it
Languages spin magic with me. I speak a number of languages. Depending on the environment I am in, how much I’ve spoken a language, how many years I studied it etc these languages are at different ‘call-out’ levels. So for example I studied Swedish and German for about the […]
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