Picture this – a few hours last Sunday filled with aaahhhs and ahas – what a bliss!!!
Sydney Opera Concert Hall….Australian Chamber Orchestra performing [worth finding out more here].
What attracted me to this event was partly the combination of music, poetry and theatre framed by Camille Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals.
….and […]
We are a very excitable lot, us humans.
When we come up with something new we get all gung ho about its potential and impact. Once we’ve established that it is not going to happen quite so fast then we no longer notice the changes happening around us. Is that because we became rather blaze […]
An example of how technology obscures and then surprises us
What is mobile business design. It is in essence a layered view of an organisation from circa early 20th century to today.
A mobile business design leverages a history and a present and some near term future.
A salesman did not sit in an […]
Technology layering – obscuring the goals
It is uncanny how we seem to be surprised by human behaviors and needs as it relates to technology.
Much of technology is a compromise. It is a step on a path to something. What?
As we explain to ourselves and our buyers of the need for this device […]
yeah ok, it took me a long time to get avatarized on 2nd life
Now I’ve got my very own ‘girl next door’ figure on second life. First place I had to go to was the popular French dance, sand, romance, music island. While I was learning to walk, sit, fly and do all those […]
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