Shift from intrapreneur to entrepreneur – again
Once a change agent always a change agent. I had a good run with that at CSC and now it is time to pull all my paths together into Hunome, a business which has been brewing for a very long time. It combines my experiences and passions in […]
Make the human context central to any strategic foresight activity. Do not be overly enamored with industry analysis, technology, or business trends and forget or overlook the role of people. Many activities produce impressive reams of data but haven’t thought through how the people affected would react or respond in […]
George Bernard Shaw said, “You see things and say ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were and I say ‘Why not?’”
It is important to cultivate receptiveness to the new: “Let’s try and understand this better.” The new disturbs existing comfort zones and positions and as […]
I have been wondering whether I was the only one getting annoyed by some of the ageism on the net…
Today I found out at the Enterprise 2.0 Future Exploration that no I am not the only one getting tired of this simplistic cop-out or even worse, ageism by hiring only those under 45, […]
At the Enterprise 2.0 Future Exploration…..
One fundamental change will be in the day to day way in which people in the company work.
Euan Semple a former leader in BBC on knowledge management spoke of the difficulty to counter some of the arguments against leveraging the social networking and collaboration tools like wikis, […]
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