Are you a pastist, presentist or futurist?
How would you know? Are these terms related to a particular personality profile, are they something in your upbringing, in your experiences or your firm beliefs. Does your orientation depend on what happened in the past, how your present satisfies you or what is in store for you, […]
Three days in the lives of futurists – together
AusForesight2007 is now part of history and memories. We came together in a national event with one tireless international guest Peter Bishop to reflect, react and respond.
We reflected on the meaning of futures in our lives and in the world. We reacted to what […]
There are about 100 foresight professionals or futurists in Oz [lose definition or lets say not formed definition of criteria but people who associate themselves with being that].
Oz is about 2% of Global GDP. Australia has a vibrant community and long history with some wonderful godfathers [Richard Slaughter, Sohail Inayahtullah] and one gorgeous mother […]
Futurist, foresight professional or faroid?
I spoke before about being a modern shift worker. It is not necessarily in shifts of 7.x hrs but rather in bits and pieces across the 24hr clock. What do we call that?
Things change in the way in which we live, often due to technologies. The fundamentals remain but […]
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